May 28, 2010

not so sunny saturday

Ahh what a perfect day for staying in my pj's, drinking tea & crafting. We're holding our 3rd market stall tomorrow at the Chandler Markets, can't wait! We both have some new creations to share :) Let's hope tomorrow is a little sunnier though...3am wake ups are already chilly enough as it is hehe. Awesome excuse to wear uggies & cute, snuggly jumpers though. Speaking of cute winter clothes, how adorable is this jumper & beanie!

and im pretty sure i NEED this tea collection

Happy saturday everyone! :)


May 26, 2010

some things that i'm a little obsessed with right now...
sweet foxes <3 connector pens! lily loves to mix up the lids, and that drives me crazy. i love arranging them in a perfect rainbow.
bones & emily deschanel. the forgotten deschanel sister. bones makes me laugh out loud.
i'm a gleek. i always loved miss pillsbury (or stunned deer as we call her in our house) and brittany is fast becoming a favourite too - 'i'm pretty sure my cat's reading my diary' haha
and tea! at least 3 cups a day.

(all images via weheartit)

May 25, 2010

I love....deers!

They have to be one of the most lovely, sweet animals ever. Having said that, i will say i love ALL animals (apart from spiders). This post is for me to share a few lovely pics I've found on the world wide web of deers, all of which are oh so sweet <3 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5475117328960788674" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 240px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 320px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">

I would so love, love, love to do this.....1. Etsy store 'snuffel1234'. 2. Etsy store 'OutlawHeartCreations'. 3. Madeit store 'SkyeRocketSews'. 4. Etsy store 'DecorDesigns'. 5. Madeit store 'thatvintage'. 6. Etsy store 'ZephyrWoods'. 7-9.


May 23, 2010

market stall

lately we've been spending our sunday mornings waking up early and setting up a market stall at chandler markets. it's been a really important (and fun) step for us and our little business! :)

and something we LOVE about the markets - CUPCAKES!

and hot chips on a cooooold day! (nails inspired by the dainty squid!)


May 19, 2010

hello there...
we are lauren and krystal.
the crafty mamas behind 'felix & lily'.

a little about us:

we are two stay at home mums, best friends and new business partners.
felix and lily are our wonderful children, who are just 10 hours apart in age, and currently 19 months old.
felix is krystal's sweet little dude and lily is lauren's gorgeous girl.

in november 2009 we started turning naptime into craft time and that's where 'felix & lily' was born.
we handmake hair accesories: bows, clips, headbands, hairpieces and more. we also dabble in jewellery and custom shirts.
we are currently obsessed with buttons, fabric and felt, pretty ribbons, op shopping, woodland creatures, drinking tea and eating copious amounts of cupcakes.

this blog is another creative outlet for us, a place for us to post the goings on of our day to day lives, inspiration and more in our adventure.

welcome to felix & lily <3